Science experiments for children – Grow borax crystals

What do you need? 

Pipe cleaners,


cotton thread,

pencils or short rods,

glass jars,


borax powder,

food coloring.


Science experiments for children – Grow borax crystals

What to do?

Shaped pipe cleaners at your leisure creating spirals, geometric shapes, letters, numbers, or whatever you want. The important thing is that the forms are able to get into the jars without touching the walls.

Boil the water and pour into jars, add the powder of borax to obtain a saturated solution (presence of deposit of borax on the bottom of the jar) and optionally coloring.

Tie each form to a pencil with a piece of thread, and dip it in the jars by placing the pencil horizontally on the edge of the jar, so that the pipe cleaner remains suspended in the solution and does not touch the bottom nor the walls, and let it stand for a day.

The crystals of borax begin to form after a few hours: in fact as that the water cools, it releases borax and this is deposited in the form of crystal on the pipe cleaner. The hot water is able to retain more borax.

Here the experiment served to make Christmas decorations, for example:



 Science experiments for children – Grow borax crystals

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