Science experiments for children – Charcoal crystal garden: your child know that through pressure and millions of years, coal naturally produced diamonds? This activity not only introduces geological concepts, but cultivates a sense of amazement for the wonders of nature and teaches that good things can come in the most unlikely places, such as a piece of black coal …


Science experiments for children – Charcoal crystal garden

What do you need?

a few pieces of charcoal for barbecue,
a shallow bowl,
food coloring,
liquid bluing

Science experiments for children – Charcoal crystal garden

What to do?

wear masks and mixed together 6 tablespoons water 6 tablespoons of salt, 6 tablespoons of liquid bluing and a tablespoon of ammonia.

Lay the coals on a beautiful bowl and pour the mixture.

If some points remain dry, sprinkle with ammonia.

Add a few drops of food coloring here and there and if coal is still dry more water.

Of course not let the kids do the experiment yourself: ammonia is toxic and it is always good to use it into a well-ventilated room or even better outdoors. experiments for children - Charcoal crystal garden

Science experiments for children – Charcoal crystal garden


Delicatissimi cristalli colorati cresceranno in poche ore sulla superficie del carbone.

Science experiments for children – Charcoal crystal garden

Variant 1

What do you need?

a spoon,
liquid bluing,
liquid laundry detergent,
a glass jar,
a non-metallic bowl,
food coloring,

What to do?

Wear the mask. In a jar apart mixed together 2 tablespoons of liquid bluing, 2 laundry detergent, two salt and two ammonia.

Place the charcoal in a bowl, add to each piece a few drops of colorant different, and pour the mixture prepared in the jar.


Science experiments for children – Charcoal crystal garden

 Variant 2

What do you need?
pieces of coal,
water (preferably distilled) in a spray bottle,
a non-metallic bowl,
non-iodized salt,
liquid bluing,
food coloring,
a jar.

What to do?

Reduce coal in pieces rather small, but not pulverize.

Spray the water until it is very wet and place the pieces in the bowl to form an even layer.

In a jar mix 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of ammonia, 6 tablespoons (90 ml) liquid bluing and 3 tablespoons (45 ml) salt and with this mixture moisten all the coal.

Spray more water to wet all the coal, if needed. If you want spray of food coloring here and there (without dyes will be formed only white crystals).

Sprinkle with a couple of tablespoons of salt, and place the bowl in a safe place. In the three days that followed continue to keep moist coal pouring
on the bottom a mixture of ammonia, water and bluing (2 tablespoons for each ingredient).

Do not move the bowl during the growth of crystals. Depending on the climate these will be formed into a maximum of two weeks.


Science experiments for children – Charcoal crystal garden

Variant 3

What do you need?

15 ml of ammonia,
60 ml of water, preferably distilled,
food coloring, mercurochrome, colored ink
small pieces of coal,
60 g of non-iodized salt,
a jar and a non-metallic bowl,
60 ml of liquid bluing.

What to do?

Put a few pieces of the charcoal in a bowl.

In a jar apart mix 60 ml of water, 60 ml of liquid bluing, 60 g of non-iodized table salt and 15 ml of ammonia.

Mix well and pour over the pieces of coal.

Add a few drops here and there of mercurochrome, colored ink and food coloring and wait for the growth of crystals.


Science experiments for children – Charcoal crystal garden

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