Science experiments for children –  Sink or float  The game is to prepare a table of prediction “sinks or floats” and a table of the results obtained, to compare.

Then prepares a plastic container big enough and possibly transparent full of water, and proceed by immersing the various objects.

Depending on the age of the children can be given explanations scientific of the experiment.

Discuss the results and ask the children their interpretation of the facts experimented is always very important, and it can also be very funny.

Science experiments for children - Sink or float


Science experiments for children –  Sink or float

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Di Maria Marino

Sono Maria Marino. Mi occupo di pedagogia, didattica, arte e manualità. Lapappadolce è il sito che scrivo come insegnante e mamma, per contribuire nel mio piccolo a rendere più accessibili a tutti i bambini, a scuola o a casa, la didattica Montessori, la pedagogia Waldorf, e tutte le pratiche educative che ho imparato con loro e in cui credo.

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