Science experiments for children – Naked egg: we need a raw egg, white wine vinegar and a clear plastic jar with a lid.

Fill the jar of vinegar and gently immerse the egg, after having inspected it carefully: it must not present cracks and must be perfectly intact.

Put the lid on the jar and wait for one or two days, observing at intervals what takes place inside the jar and never shake or move it from where it is.

After this time, the egg shell will have disappeared and the egg will not have, however, lost its shape, because they remain protected by the membrane which surrounds it.

 Science experiments for children – Naked egg

What happened?

The eggshell is made of calcium carbonate and the chemical name for vinegar is acetic acid.

When the acetic acid (vinegar) reacts with the calcium carbonate (egg shell), the shell dissolves gradually forming carbon dioxide bubbles.

In fact we will see the bubbles forming on the surface of the egg as soon immerse it in vinegar, and these bubbles continue to rise during the experiment.


Science experiments for children - Naked egg

Science experiments for children – Naked egg

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Di Maria Marino

Sono Maria Marino. Mi occupo di pedagogia, didattica, arte e manualità. Lapappadolce è il sito che scrivo come insegnante e mamma, per contribuire nel mio piccolo a rendere più accessibili a tutti i bambini, a scuola o a casa, la didattica Montessori, la pedagogia Waldorf, e tutte le pratiche educative che ho imparato con loro e in cui credo.

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