Science experiments for children – Blow up a balloon with baking soda. Experiment suitable for children of kindergarten and primary school.


Science experiments for children – Blow up a balloon with baking soda 

What do you need?

baking soda

a deflated balloon

a funnel

a glass bottle



Science experiments for children – Blow up a balloon with baking soda 

What to do?

With the help of a funnel pour some tablespoon of baking soda into the balloon deflated (the amount depends on the effect you want to achieve, and it is nice to make yourself different tests).

Pour into a glass bottle some vinegar, then secure the balloon to the mouth of the bottle.

The baking soda will fall into the bottle giving rise to the formation of carbon dioxide and the balloon starts to inflate … can also explode!


Science experiments for children – Blow up a balloon with baking soda 



Science experiments for children – Blow up a balloon with baking soda 

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Di Maria Marino

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