DIY Montessori spindle box. The Montessori spindle box is a material that, as the number rods, repeats the situation of the counting units relative to the various groups of the numerical series from 1 to 10, or more precisely from 1 to 9.

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The boxes on the market cost about $ 40, but build them in cardboard is very simple.

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I have done so. I cut out a box in such a way as to have one of the long walls high enough to contain the numbers written, and the other wall low enough to make easier the work for children’s hands:

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then I divided the length in such a way as to obtain 10 identical spaces:

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and I put the dividers in this way:

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I reinforced all with paper tape and glue, I decorated with colored tissue paper and glue diluted, and I applied the numbers.

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For spindles I cut with scissors some very common skewer sticks, at the measure suitable to the storage box.

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Here are the directions to present the Montessori spindle box to children: Montessori spindle box, and here a variant still easier and cheaper to build it: DIY 2 Montessori spindle box.


Di Maria Marino

Sono Maria Marino. Mi occupo di pedagogia, didattica, arte e manualità. Lapappadolce è il sito che scrivo come insegnante e mamma, per contribuire nel mio piccolo a rendere più accessibili a tutti i bambini, a scuola o a casa, la didattica Montessori, la pedagogia Waldorf, e tutte le pratiche educative che ho imparato con loro e in cui credo.

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