DIY Montessori constructive triangle boxes with tutorial to make them on their own, free templates and instructions for the presentation and the use with children. The Montessori constructive triangle serve to demonstrate that all the plane geometric figures can be constructed by means of triangles.
The material is composed of 5 different boxes, each of which contains a number of triangles of various sizes, shapes and colors.
With the exception of box 2, the triangles of all other boxes have black bands positioned on different sides which serve to help the child in the construction of geometrical figures proposed.
It is a material that is proposed in the kindergarten, but I use extensively in third class, especially if there are problems to deal with dyslexia.
Third class program includes the study of geometry, and this material can be combined with nomenclatures to help storing terms.
It also allows you to evaluate length of the sides or the size of the angles by simple overlapping of the elements, and facilitates the classification into equilateral, isosceles and scalene, or rectangle, acute-angled, obtuse angled.
To build them on their own, in the web will find the models for free printable size on this site. Click Colored Sets 1-5 if you have a color printer, click Outlines if you have only black. In Boxes you will find instead the models to make the boxes, I preferred to use the trays.
The downloads do not include the cards of the nomenclatures, that I realized by hand.
For each box I have prepared:
– The triangles envisaged
– Large sheets, which have on one hand the construction scheme and on the other the pure form (only the outside contours)

– nomenclatures, facilitated by a thumbnail of the scheme to be implemented:

– cards for the classification of the triangles contained in the box which have on one side the name of the triangle, and on the other the indication of those triangles for the type and color belong to that category with miniature, for self-control.

Box 1

Box 2

DIY Montessori constructive triangle boxes
Box 3

Box 4

DIY Montessori constructive triangle boxes
Box 5

DIY Montessori constructive triangle boxes
Disclaimer: “Per redigere questa mia presentazione ho utilizzato i miei album e appunti personali e consultato vari album di altri autori e articoli nel web. Per leggere online o acquistare le copie legali di tali opere consultate segui i link:
– Sensorial primary guide di
– Album for ages 3-6 – Sensorial di montessoriteacherscollective (Moteaco)
– Montessori teacher album – Sensorial di
– Sensorial album di
– The casa 2,5-6 years – sensorial di montessoricommons
– Sensorial development di
– Module 3: Exercises of sensory development di
– Sensorial teacher manual di
– Primary class curriculum – second year di
– Sensorial teaching manual – primary ages di montessoriprintshop
– Early childhood curruculum – Montessori sensorial manual di
– Sensorial Manual Infant and Toddler e Sensorial Manual Early Childhood di, che ha suggerito l’aggiunta di questo disclaimer in accordo con la sua politica di copyright.
Ho inoltre consultato i testi di riferimento di Maria Montessori per gli esercizi sensoriali:
Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle case dei bambini
La scoperta del bambino
Per una bibliografia completa delle opere di Maria Montessori vai qui.