Science experiments for children – Dancing raising
What you need:
baking soda,
white vinegar,
five or six raisins,
a glass jar with high sides.
This experiment can be very interesting to be proposed during the narration of the Montessori first cosmic fable, illustrating the dance of the elements.
Science experiments for children – Dancing raising
How do
Pour into the jar a cup of water, add a tablespoon of baking soda and mix well.
Add the raisins.
Finally pour slowly, half tablespoon of white vinegar.
The raisins should begin to dance in the jar.
If not, add more vinegar.

Science experiments for children – Dancing raising
What happens?
Vinegar is an acid and baking soda is a base.
Together they develop a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide CO2.
Carbon dioxide adhering to the sides of raisins, making her climb.
Arrived at the surface, some of the gas bubbles burst, then the raisins precipitates again towards the bottom of the jar.

Science experiments for children – Dancing raising
Science experiments for children – Dancing raising
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